Poèmes et citations pour votre cheval décédé
Les poèmes apportent du réconfort. Les citations inspirent. Ils traduisent en mots ce qui semble inexprimable.
Horsia a rassemblé pour vous les plus belles citations et les plus beaux poèmes.
L’air du paradis est celui qui souffle entre les oreilles d’un cheval.
Il n’y a pas de secret aussi intimes que ceux d’un cavalier et de son cheval. – Robert S. Surtees
Tant que vous n’avez pas aimé un animal, une partie de votre âme sera toujours sans éclat, endormie.
– Anatole France
Horses fly without wings and conquer without swords
A horse is your best friend
You can tell them anything
And no one else will ever know
If you have gained the trust of a horse, you have won a friend for life.
I am his eyes
He is my wings
I am his voice
He is my spirit
No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle
God made a horse
from the breath of wind
the beauty of earth
and the soul of an angel
Horses leave hoofprints on our hearts
Some horses will test you.
Some will teach you.
And some will bring out the best in you.
Horses are the window to our soul
What horses can teach us
is only limited by our ability to understand.
What they are willing to give us
is only limited by our ability to receive.
Every horse deserves to be loved by a little girl at least once in their life.